These digital instruments are produced according to the most modern technologies to ensure a high level of reliability, versatility and practicality at the same time.
The robustness and high stability over time are guaranteed by a sensor made entirely of stainless steel able to work even in the presence of highly dynamic pressures, and by a robust black painted aluminium housing.
Designed for monitoring industrial processes and to be used for automation and laboratories, it exceeds class 0,15% (Standard version) or 0,05% accuracy in 23 different pressure ranges ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE, VACUUM and DIFFERENTIAL.
With this pressure gauge, it is possible to measure Temperature and Pressure generated from air, gas, oil, water or any other type of non-corrosive fluid.
Integrated electronics allow you to customize the instrument in different configurations to suit different applications, thanks also to the sampling rate that can be programmed from 2,5 to 1200 Hz.
Accessories: WinTEST2: software for connecting the instrument to a PC complete with DATA LOGGER and export of the data as EXCEL file.